Sep 07, 2009 20:38


Srsly. Who the fuck would pay $50 for this program? Not only did they give you a cheating way in "animating" they also give you Adobe Photoshop?! Someone stop the presses!! It even has some South Park character rip-off on the cover - man I totally need to get this software now!!

I YouTube'd this and I only found ONE good animation that came from this "Anime Studio" and it was in Italian. Italian.

But LOL $50... really?! FIFTY BUCKS?! I can buy regular Photoshop for that much, and it comes with ImageReady and I can do animating in a few snaps. This is a total waste of money and time, whoever thought that this would make them money obviously was thinking of the anime suckers of today.

Oh but earlier while I was at Micheal's buying bead material and a new faceup brush, I over-heard this brother (who looked like he was 16) and his younger sister (10 about) telling their dad, "Oh it's Japanese, you can tell by the way the eyes are shaped," and I nearly lol'd and said, "It's the American poor attempt at selling their "Learn how to Draw Manga" series, don't waste your money." Oh man, I just wanted to scoff at them lmao, yes I'm being a total bitch, but when you've been around the anime and manga scene since 7th grade, seeing "n00bs" like that is just a big LOL!

Sorry guys, I'm being a total bitch, but this day of running errands and seeing people while doing those errands, I just see how arrogant people really are lmao.
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