Apr 19, 2005 01:51
P. 88
As I walked home in the evening, a traveler on my own Oregon Trail, filled with experiences of that great country of the mind. I had an overwhelming bad news/ good news feeling.
overwhelming : If you are overwhelmed by a feeling or event, it affects you very strongly, and you do not know how to do deal with it. (압도하는)
P. 91
For a moment the rational monitor in my mind was warning : UH-Oh, you are losing your marbles.
rational : A rational person is someone who is sensible and is able to make a decisions based on intelligent thinking rather than on emotion. (이성적인)
marble : I don't know the meaning in this sentence. Please, let me know?
P. 91
Holding on to my sanity and the watermelon and the can of tuna fish wish equal care, I stopped at the checkout counter and paid with a twenty-dollar bill.
sanity : If there is sanity in a situation or activity, there is a purpose and a regular pattern, rather than confusion and worry. (온전)
P. 108
Except for one other song, which may just be our real national anthem.
anthem : An anthem is a song which is used to represent a particular nation, society, or group and which is sung on special occasions. (국가)
P. 111
Despite the hardships of his life, he found time to sit on a stump in the sunshine - in front of his cabin in the silence of that place - and write poetry.
stump : A stump is a small part of something that remains when the rest of it has been removed or broken off. (그루터기)