[MOD] Rule Reminder

Sep 09, 2008 16:23

Hey guys. :3 How are you all today?

I've noticed an influx here lately of people forgetting two of our main rules: Labeling posts and tagging entries.

Now I know it doesn't really seem like a big deal, but it's important for keeping the community organized; everyone benefits when you don't have to scroll through forty posts you don't need when looking for something in particular!

If you are unsure as of what to label your entry as, there is a guide contained within our official rules post. A list of tags can be found here. Both entries are linked on the left hand side of our community layout and within our profile if you need to take a look and don't have the URLs handy. ;D

Another thing to note concerning tags and labels: When offering a download, you need to use the downloads tag and label, not only the media ones. For example:

Streaming content -> Media tag
Sendspace links -> Download tag (and/or Download + Media tags, but Download definitely has to be there)

The only medium exempt from this is pictures, as we do not employ a separate download tag for pictures like we do music and video. :) So please continue to tag pictures as 'media: pictures'.

Lastly, let's try and not have multiple posts on the same thing. Combining posts is actually rule number ten of our community. So if you see a news post and have something to add, please comment in the original post and request the OP edit their own as they see fit, do not make an entirely new post.

That's about it. ^^ Thanks for your time everybody, and have a great day!

members: mod post

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