so where the hell you been, dude

Apr 10, 2011 21:24


I've been kind of taking a break from anything that's not right in front of me while working my life out.

I finished uni half way through last year, and promptly discovered that, despite what the website may say, it's not actually possible to start USyd film studies honours mid year. So I decided to hell with Sydney for the rest of 2010, and went home.

So that's where I've been for the past... like, 8 or 9 months. Jesus, that went. But it was really, really wonderful, and probably one of the better things I could have done.

Things that have happened in that time (in point form, because I know your time is valuable):

- decided to do a couple of tafe courses, as, valuable though my university degree may well be, apparently there aren't that many jobs out there that consider the ability to critically examine and analyse cinema as art a bankable skill. Who knew.

- as part of these courses, learnt how to use photoshop and publisher, and discovered a great love and affinity for graphic design. I'm not sure why it didn't occur to me sooner, tbh; I've always loved art, so why not learn how to do it commercially.

- did some work experience in the production dept of a local paper. Loved it.

- got accepted to the Australian film school in a screen culture postgrad certificate.

- about this time I also worked at a grain silo over harvest, and as a runner for the Zapruder film crew. I liked the grain testing more, heinous dust cough and all, and so decided to hell with documentary tv production; if ever I want to go into tv I'll do it another way.

- then, got offered a full time job ad repping at the paper, filling in and helping out with production whenever possible. Took a while to get used to sales, but was pro after a month or so.

- started a distance diploma in graphic design.

- started panicking about having this screen course in Sydney one day a week when there was no way in hell I was ready to go back to that miasma of isolation and misery.

- decided that, rather than move to Sydney, would move somewhere close to Sydney. Was longing for my own slice of actual grown up house anyway.

- moved to a rural city halfway between Sydney and home. Really rather lovely two bedroom semi-detached unit with more storage than I know what to do with. The second bedroom is my studio/study. I have always wanted a studio/study.

- went to the first few classes for my screen culture course, and decided that it was not quite what I wanted, and that it was going to be too hard to get there every Wednesday. Instead, was hungering for Sydney Uni, and so decided to aim to go back for honours/masters in 2012 or some time after.

- transferred to the paper here. Don't like it nearly as much as my old job, but it's a bigger paper and I only have to be there four days a week, rather than 5 days plus about 6.5 hours a week just driving to get there everyday, so actually have time to do my study. Also, there is a cinema here, and a heated pool, and it's only a short drive from my Sydney friends and several rather charming weekend destinations.

- feel broke for the time being as have decided I want a proper grown up person house, not a crappy, studenty, posters on walls and crates as furniture deal, so have spent a lot of money on stuff lately. But, am actually doing okay savings-wise, and hope to save enough for uni/overseas/buying a house in the not too distant future.

So, that's the summary. And now here I am in my new house, surrounded by all my stuff, Galaxy Quest on the tv, and perhaps rather a bit desperately lonely without my family around, but they're not too far away, so I'm going to learn to deal with that.

I have a better idea now then ever about what I want out of life, what's important and what I do and don't care about. I'm a bit more secure and outgoing (sales will do that to you, but so will responsibility and community, time and space and family, things which I didn't get much of while away at uni), and, well, to be honest, I'm probably still a bit of a mess sometimes, but I like to think I'm a bit more of a grown up about it.

I've figured out that I don't want to live in the city unless I can do it in a place I own and/or a suburb I like. I want to travel. I don't like being alone, despite how crazy too constant company makes me. I love cinema, art, and pop culture, and want to keep studying them. I think I might even like to teach them. I don't want to be a stooge; I'm an artist, deep down in my soul, just gotta work on the tools to bring it out. I'm a bit of a freak, but that's so much better than the alternative. I fucking love saying fuck. I love my town more than any place on earth, and would probably be lost without my farm; all roads lead back there, and no where else makes as much sense. I like country people, and there are ways I can be one and still do the things I love.

So, that's me. I'm here and I'm well, and I hope you're the same. <3

I've barely looked at my flist in months, so if there's any goss, or anything major (or minor even, I'm not picky. The point is: WASSUP) has happened to anyone, LAY IT ON ME, MY BBS.

shouldn't i be taller?, fucking updating how does it work?, rl stuff, you go glen coco

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