Jan 10, 2009 21:33
Ohmygod. Can't stop laughing.
Mum and Dad were in the loungeroom watching TV, and they left the glass door open rather than get up all the time to let the cats in and out. I'm sitting in the office at the computer, when I hear and partially see, "she's got a mouse there!" followed by them getting up to shoo Mishka outside.
I chipped in an "EWW!"
Then Mum says, "Just watch that mouse, it might not be dead." There's more shuffling about - I was told that Mum had a tissue and was going to pick the thing up once she was convinced of its passing from this mortal coil - then, "John, watch the mouse it might not be - UGGGGH, IT ISN'T DEAD!"
Mum makes a couragous attempt at wrangling it, but then I hear a shrieking "IIIIEEEEEEEEHHH" as it moves towards her; a signal for Dad to take over.
I hear him moving quickly, then partially see him leaning over. Mum, her voice now coming from a completely different part of the room than before and making clear where her priorities stand, calls out, "Not with my slipper, John!"
Dad's still trying to catch or kill or shoo out the mouse in some way, and I see him bend down closer to where it must be. I then hear him say (very unmanishly), "WAAAAH! EEEERRWW!" as he jumps back and flails a bit.
I learn after the incident that the mouse didn't have much energy, the poor little thing, and that Dad had it trapped up against the TV cabinet. As it runs about, Dad follows it, having discarded the slipper due to Mum's disgusted insistance, continuing to make disgusted shivers and very unpleased noises. I continue to add ew ew ew!s from the office, while laughing at Dad's shrieks and Mum's slipper, and Mum and Dad desparately argue over what to do before it gets away, or, worse, touches their feet.
"I don't want to touch it, it's icky!" Dad whines, with all he valour of an Arthurian knight.
Then, the mouse makes a break for it. Dad darts after it as it heads towards the couch. It's going to go under it! We'd never get it if it got under the couch. So Dad dives, and, in a last, desparate attempt to stop it, brings his hand down on top of it.
Mum calls out to tell me he's killed it with his hand, and I add more hysterical (with laughter) ew ew ews. Dad, massively creeped out, throws the poor (possibly not even dead yet) mouse outside and goes to wash his hands.
He is now comforting himself in the pay TV room. Mum and her slippers were saved a very disgusting moment, and I will be carefully avoiding that spot in front of the couch for some time. The cats are, needless to say, in disgrace. Mum spoke very sternly to one of them a moment ago when it meowed asking her to let it in.
It was all so beautiful.
Really, considering the fact that I stumbled upon a baby brown snake down the hallway at 1am the other week they should have known better. I had to wake Dad up and he had to kill the thing in his undies while half asleep. Oddly, he was much happier almost nakedly facing a lethal snake that moved quickly and refused to die than he was a small injured mouse while fully clothed.
(Also, Hiii! I'm back from New Caledonia. Will talk about that later. This just seemed far, far more important. XD *dies*)
silly thingy