Stupid Bloody Gender

Aug 22, 2007 00:45

After I got my second dose of the cervical cancer immunisation today, the doctor gave me a little information card with "JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST CERVICAL CANCER" printed on the front, and a band-aid with "i did" printed all over it. Hadn't really thought of it in terms of a fight, but whatever, it is an important and wonderful thing and I suppose I've joined anyway haven't I. The point is, MY ARM HURTS!

My sister hates needles, had to go to sickbay after the last one because the she was so stressed (I get this image in my mind, her rocking back in forth, fanning her face with her hand, "Aw-w-w, Me stress, me stress!", in the voice that she uses to tease other people in pain. Oh how it makes me laugh.). The nurses always try to soothe her by putting things in perspective, "A needle is nothing compared to cancer" and so on. They also, in the manner of mothers, told her that now she should have a new appreciation for Mum, because imagine all the needles she had to have when pregnant.

And all this adds to my list of Reasons Why It Sucks To Have A Uterus.
Really, the female reproductive system is a bloody pain in the arse. Or, well, usually a pain in the lower abdomen - which is another reason to hate it.

Though I don' t really want to be a boy either, I could write a flipping novel on things that suck about being a girl. But, really, I've gotten used to the whole girl thing now (except the whole 'boys get ideas if you talk to them for too long thing' - that I hate. I like having mates who are blokes, why must they misinterpret ques that don't exist?! I do not exist in a sexual context, don't put me there!) it doesn't usually bother me, given that I don't really define myself by my gender - but when your arm hurts, it helps to vent. Stupid arm.

I know I'm being silly. Tomorrow I'm getting a Menigacotl C vaccination. That has nothing to do with gender. It will hurt too, and I'll not have anything to blame it on.


I've actually had a perfectly lovely day. Am feeling pretty good in general lately actually. Was going to write about that, but then, well, the arm thing. Will write about my happy later.

There is an infomercial for a Soft Rock of the 70s collection on TV at the moment, and I just looked up and saw a familiar face. I thought to myself, 'Huh, Peter Allen looks a lot like Phil Colins.' At which point, the ad informed me that I was, in fact, looking at Phil Colins. Yup.

This collection actually sounds pretty good. I've already got quite a few of the songs. List of songs from ad that I don't have but must investigate:
Drive - the Cars
All Out of Love - Air Supply
Waiting for a Girl Like You - Foreigner (either hate this song, or really dig it, Can't tell. It's that sort of song.)
Low Down - Buzz Scugs (or someone)

rant, rl stuff

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