No pictures will be provided this challenge. For the α-challenge you'll get a theme and you may use your own pictures. The β-challenge centers around a certain iconing technique and again you have to pick your own pictures.
The theme for the α-challenge is "hugs", meaning that your icons must have characters hugging. There's been lots of hugs in The Sarah Jane Adventures, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a nice image you can icon. :)
Icons for the β-challenge have to be in black and white. You can use any picture you want. Your icons may not contain any colours.
You may enter up to 2 icons in Challenge #04α and up to 2 icons in Challenge #04β.
If you're having trouble finding images,
wellingtonicons has a lot of screencaps you can download and you are also allowed to use pictures from previous challenges.
The last day you can enter your icons will be Friday, March 28th Sunday, March 30th.
Please post the icons as images and give the link too.