Advent Calendar - Day 16: LOLShipment

Dec 16, 2012 14:04

I asked if it would be okay to do a picspam of some of my shippiest LOLs, and I was told to go ahead.  All of these have been posted before, but never together.  (If you have never visited my journal and seen my stuff, one hint:  be sure to check for the mouseover text on each image.)

This is a tale, in pictures, of two characters whom we love.

We loved them from the moment they first set eyes on each other.

And we’ve watched them through all their ups and downs.

Perhaps it took them a while to understand what they meant to each other . . .

. . . and their circumstances made it difficult.

Sometimes they seemed to be at odds.

Sometimes they had things to learn from each other . . .

. . . and the future has often been uncertain.

Sometimes he has a little trouble understanding her . . .

. . . but she always knows how much he respects her abilities.

And he always knows he can count on her.

We know they take advantage of the quiet moments alone.

They’ll always be a team.

picspam, member's post, advent calendar

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