"Book for Kids" Project for S4K

Jan 04, 2012 18:21

This topic today to spread the word about a new project. We are planning to write an illustrated children book and to sell it online (ebook or hard copy) in order to raise funds for Sanctuary for Kids (a nonprofit organization leaded by actress and producer Amanda Tapping). To carry out our project we need volunteers : writers, illustrators, translators (from French to English and eventually German and Spanish). We will also need some help to promote and advertise the book (partnership, Facebook, Twitter, websites…).

We are currently working on a story that would allow the little girls of the Nepal Orphans Home to be a part of the project, i.e working on the illustrations. A few of us have volunteered there for several weeks and have contacts with the NOH.

This project is currently, and for the time being, hosted by the CPAF (a French website for writers and readers of fanfiction) where all the discussions about the organization and the development of the project are being held. http://cpaf.forumactif.org/f95-projet-book-for-kids-pour-s4k We hope many of you will join us and take part in the implementation of this important project. To help us (ideas, additional informations, etc.) and if you’re first language is not French, please let an answer after that message.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider our project.
And sorry if I made a mistake in the procedure to post in the community.


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