(no subject)

Jun 08, 2005 20:11


I been riding my bike to school everyday, Its a good bike cause I always end up wet wet with sweat and cum. I don't know why I cum while Bike..must be the bumps in the sidewalk. Anywhoo Today was a stressful day in the bike world. Everything that could happen bad, happend on the bike today. I got on my bike today, in a rush. I started speeding off (I can peddal like a mother fucker) and all of a sudden my right shoe feels tight. I look down and my shoe lace was tied around the whole gear...i stop by the stop light and stumble off my bike. All the cars at the red light were watching...watching to see what I do next. I try to untie it by bending over and quickly spinning the shoe lace off..i started stumbling forward and knocked my  bike over. I sit down and this point cause the bike kept me from standing up. I took of my shoe and fixed the problem. Exhuasted and sweaty (so damn hot today) I get back on my bike with a smile. Smile ended when I came to a road block that took me five minutes. By road back, I mean it was garbage day...and all the garbage cans were right in front of the houses on the side walk. I dodged the first few riding on peoples yards. That ended when yards had gardens right on the right side of me, and on my left the busy road. (im affraid of busy roads while on the bike..cause im just no confident in my bike riding skills) so I had to individual kick each one outta my way. I feel like im in a fucking video game dodging problems and getting through obsticles. Well then a girl walking with head phones on is approaching my way. I figure she would move way over since its easy for her. Then it was a game of chicken. We both ween't moving forward in a stright line. I got closer and closer to her...waiting for her move cause i the sure wasn't moving, I was sick of things in my way. Right before inpact i sweaved to the right, I hit with my handle bar...and was pissed cause I should have just ran her over then backed up.-- woshiii woooo. Then..  I almost got hit on a four way stop..girl on cell phone turned with out seeing me. And I got a fuzzy white thing in my eye.

my birthday is in three days...thats nice.
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