Mar 21, 2005 23:20
My parents are moving out to sanford soon, and I had to clean out my old room. I have been putting it off, but to my surprise it was a fun adventure into the past.
things I found in my room:
1) my journal from 6th grade: At first I thought it was some special ed kids journal. Every word spelled wrong, and my writing look like I wrote it with my left hand in a bumpy car ride. The thing is it was 6th grade so what the hell I thought I have learned things by then. But I talked about my 6th grade boyfriend that I would go to the community center with to kiss in the racketball rooms. That was the thing to do then...I also rememberd he tuched my boob once with his pointer finger (with clothes on) and I told all my friends I think he is taking this relationship toooo far...BOOB TOUCHING, i was not ready for that, and i think i dumped him because of it. HA.
2) a creepy doll: I had this one doll when I was young that was named katie...she was cool and always with me. But she wasnt your average doll, like girly and a stuck up bitch with sattle shoes and a country dress. She was really cool and special. Anywho I lost her on a airplane...and never saw her again. It was horrible. I got a replacement doll to help me get over my lost katie. BUT I HATED THAT DOLL. I cut her hair and would color on her, and she never had clothes on. Well I found her today, and she looked horrible. and she had those eyes that could shut on there own when you layed her down...but now only one eye works and it was winking at me. Freaked me out. I miss the real katie. I wonder where she is and what she is doing.
3) My short story books. I remember I had a phase that I thought I was a really good writer (I was in 3rd grade) I remember all the storys i wrote being so awesome, and when i read a few of them...i was like WTF. I wish someone would have told me maybe I shouldn't write storys or not encourage my stupid little books. Ill have to copy one on to my live journal so you can see what I mean.
4) My virginity box: I use to be in church school, and we had to make a virginity box that held our virginity and we were to give it away when we are married. hmm. times change i suppose. but does that mean im still a virgin if my virginity was in the box? hmm - oo ya and whats up with people becoming a REvirgin ? cum..ON.
5) G-I joe. Yes I played with GI joes and legos with my bro. When I wasnt with my bro I somtime mixed barbies with the GI joes to add some girls to it...but the GI joes came up to barbies I must have had a great imagination.
6) a battery family: yes i wasnt going to write this one...but i made a battery family of all shapes and sizes and painted them with clothes...these were the things I would play with alone. Because come on, if you asked your friend to play batterys...
7) an old/hairy/smushy gummy bear: after finding the gummy, I blinked my eyes and it ended up in my mouth. Just an impalse i guess.
those were just a few items...but i recomend looking through old stuff its crazy the shit you will remember...and the shit you want to forget the battery family. So do some spring cleaning...