Feb 03, 2008 19:56
I am sick of people choosing to take things out of their lives and then speaking down to those that do not share their beliefs.
I spend a lot of my time in front of the computer and television, but that doesn't mean I am ill-informed or "rotting my brain." I have a circle of news and debate sites I regularly visit, and generally consider myself to be aware of my local, national and international news. If you don't choose to do these things, fine. Don't give me shit about my choice to do it. I find that the role-playing that I do through games makes me a more level-headed, sane person.
I have encountered a lot of vegetarians and vegans, but only a select few have attempted to guilt or convince me into their ways. I love the taste of a good steak or burger, and find that vital nutrients, such as protein, are far easier to acquire through eating meat than buying fish oil and scores of beans at an overpriced organic store. I may be somewhat overweight, but it doesn't hinder my ability to move quickly if the need arises. Believe it or not, it is possible to lose weight without cutting meat out of your diet. If, on the other hand, you aren't eating meat because of moral reasons, your morals are your own. Forcing someone else to follow your morals is highly unacceptable.
If you are guilty of any of these things, please think about how you approach other people about your beliefs and either change it so you aren't suggesting that they change their beliefs, or don't do it at all.
On a completely unrelated note, go buy No More Heroes if you have a Wii and are looking for a very different action experience. I highly recommend it.