Aug 29, 2005 20:51
I'm taking 18 units, and all but three of them are upper division English. Age of Romanticism, Great Books, American Literature, Drama as Literature. In Great Books alone, we are reading the following: Candide, The Knight's Tale, Madame Bovary, The Go Between, Crime and Punishment, 6 short stories by Hawthorne, Bartleby the Scriviner, Moby Dick, Heart of Darkness, Dracula, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Name of the Rose, and the Mezzanine. Several of these are six hundred pagers.
I also will be babysitting 12 hours a week.
I'm excited- I feel like a real English major, now that I'm into the ridiculously hard portion. I read Voltaire's Candide last Saturday afternoon, and I've jumped into Bovary. I just have to find time for the other classes' readings.
Currently I don't have a roomate, which is absolutely heavenly.
Everything, I suppose you could say, is going great, except for one thing; I miss Tony that I feel achey inside. It's like, I became one with another person, and then I was ripped away from him, and it's not supposed to be like that. I don't wish to be independent of him. He came and stayed with me all day Sunday, and is coming tomorrow morning for a little bit. He starts school tomorrow. These next couple of years are going to be hard.