May 27, 2005 10:35
Shit, that would be a great title for a slating review...
They Might Be Giants last night. Great gig. Strange gig. With readings from Jonathan Ross interspersed with short songs about eggs and things, I said egg. They did all my favourite oldies: Ana Ng, Birdhouse, She's An Angel and a truly rockin' Don't Let's Start - probably my favourite one of their singles. Fingertips, as usual was fierce. It was fierce, really fierce! For the first encore they did the adult version of Robot Parade, which I remember playing to the kids in France. As James remarked, of all the things I had to play to them to improve their English it had to be the recording of a fat, nasally American singing through a pitch-shifting vocoda. Oh well. Speaking of which, James, d'ya rectum you could send me the 'Kids' Songs', I feel like a bit of nostalgia during this eggs-ham time.
Good luck Aims x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x