The offsite was good, it is always hard to be the new girl. Especially when my team is ALL men. We went on a historical boat, where I half fell over when the boat jostled and i said "ugh, i'm so wasted!"
(it was a dry offsite)
Good save liz. sweet first impression.
Then had lunch at a museum and a scavenger hunt which just involved me cheating and drinks at the Hawthorne
It honestly was the best way to get to know everyone, this week has been fabulous. Lots going on-
but i really would like to just write about what's making me smile like a Peanuts character-
there has been this new guy at work, and we have exchanged a few words every now and again,
but he noticed I was in a new group today and we got to chatting....and chatting....
and he was at my desk for an hour before i was pulled away to a meeting. and i was grinning.
when i got back to my desk he popped back 15 minutes later to bring me half of a cookie
and then we decided to go on different adventures all over the building. We went to all the different floors,
ran around, ragged on people, and it was just SO much fun. I don't know why were so at ease with eachother..
i got no work done. he wants to switch to my dept. but we both decided we would be fired in no time.
i think he wanted to ask me to hang out this weekend, but i played it cool,
and kind of dashed off at the end of the day
my mom thinks my biggest downfall with men is my complete and utter lack of patience.
which i guess is true.
i'm just kind of like ok lets hang , lets do this, lets do that, lets communicate, and assess eachother,
and if it just isn't there, lets say bai, and rinse, and repeat.
maybe ill take it down a notch.
he has another adventure planned for us on Monday on the trading floor.
He is so gorgeous. Shit man.
He is the closeted corporate punk of my dreams. 6'2" ish, hidden tattoos like me, wispy black spikey hair that
he kind of wears in a half-hawk, gorgeous hazel eyes, tan, beautiful lashes(on a boy!), and is the kind of guy
who wears skinny ties and fun belt buckles.
What is interesting about him, is that he's weird. like outwardly weird, which happens sometimes
with guys that are THAT attractive. just the things he says, and thinks about, and his gestures
but its almost reassuring because if he's upfront about his quirks, it puts my mind at ease.
I found myself smiling even when he was talking about his commute to work in the morning.
way to play it cool
i just dont know what was in the water today, but we went from 0-60 in no time.
i couldn't date him. but i'm so very happy to have made his acquaintance and look forward to more
more update tomorrow.
I once knew a girl
In the years of my youth
With eyes like the summer
All beauty and truth
In the morning I fled
Left a note and it read
Someday you will be loved.
I cannot pretend that I felt any regret
Cause each broken heart will eventually mend
As the blood runs red down the needle and thread
Someday you will be loved
You'll be loved you'll be loved
Like you never have known
The memories of me
Will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs
Like I never occurred
Someday you will be loved
You may feel alone when you're falling asleep
And everytime tears roll down your cheeks
But I know your heart belongs to someone you've yet to meet
Someday you will be loved