"Exposed" by trubbleclef

Dec 04, 2007 16:48

Title: Exposed
Rating: PG-13 for this part
Prompt: #32-- Albus has a lot of sexual inhibitions. Gellert does his best to change that.
AN: I have a sequel in the works, because my smut muse failed to make an appearance, but it will be back, and we need more NC-17 AD/GG, don't you think?

It was a warm night. A soft breeze blew through the window as Albus lay prone on his bed reading. He and Gellert had been lazily sipping some really lovely mead, discussing various aspects of Muggle-Wizard relations, but in the end the warmth of the evening and the mead had gotten the better of them. They both fell quiet as the evening wore on.

Gellert appeared utterly relaxed in the plump old armchair by the window, his feet propped up on the adge of Albus's bed. His head rested to the side and his eyes were closed.

Albus glanced up at him and smiled. He watched the golden-haired boy breathe in and out, in and out. He'd never had the opportunity to really observe Gellert before. Every time he tried to do so, Gellert seemed to know and look back. Each time this happened something thumped in his chest-- it was maddening. But now... Albus's eyes took in the halo of hair surrounding his face, the strong yet delicate line of his jaw, the long -almost feminine- eyelashes. His eyes wandered down to Gellerts chest. He wore, like Albus, a thin linen shirt without it's collar, the top buttons open to reveal a smattering of brown hair. Further down his shirt was partially untucked, a thin line of creamy skin visible above the waistband at his hip. Graceful legs continued across, arriving at the well-shaped feet resting on the bed.

Albus drank it all in. I shouldn't even be indulging myself this way. I have better control than that! It's the mead.

His gaze fell back upon Gellerts neck. He took in the soft sheen of perspiration that washed over his adam's apple. He observed the way his throat curved up to become his jaw, lightly stubbled. He looked at his soft pink lips, curved into a small languorous smile, then up to those impossibly grey eyes, flecked like a kaleidoscope...

Albus started, the blood rushing to his face.

"What are you reading?"

He quickly recovered himself. "So you're awake, after all." He swallowed past his nervousness and willed himself to become calm.

"I sensed your attention," Gellert replied easily, his eyes still on Albus as he sat upright, reaching for the mead. "Do tell me what you're reading."

"The Hidden Art of Legilimency. Lovecraft, you know. It's much more thorough than any of the books at Hogwarts, I must say."

Gellert nodded and handed him a fresh glass. "I read Pabodie at Durmstrang, but I regret that I never had an opportunity to try it."

Albus shook his head. "Neither have I. I'm reluctant to try it on someone against their will. Especially the first time when I'm not sure of my technique."

Gellert chuckled. "You're also reluctant to drink that mead, it seems. Go on, drink it." He sat watching, waiting for Albus to comply.

And why not, really? he thought to himself, tipping back the glass and draining it. He felt the warmth run down his throat and he began to once again relax.

"Your first time, you were saying?" Gellert's eyes held a flash of mischief that threw Albus momentarily.

"Erm, yes. Elphias offered once, but he sounded almost reluctant. He knows, of course, that he could trust me, but if there are things he doesn't want anyone to see..."

"I trust you," Gellert interrupted. Albus eyed him closely.

"Is that an offer?"

Gellert smirked and gazed at him through heavy lidded eyes.

"Would you like it to be?" he asked softly.

Albus felt the breeze shift and cause the ends of his hair to tickle his neck. Still, the air felt thick with-- something. Perhaps it was the way that Gellert seemed to be staring at his hands suddenly. A faint blush crept into his cheeks as he replied, "Well, if you're certain." He scarcely recognized his own voice, which had become low and gravely.

Gellert nodded again and sat up straight in the chair.

"Sit on the bed opposite me. I'd rather stay seated, if you don't mind."

Albus cleared his throat. "Of course."

He moved to the end of the bed and situated his legs between Gellert's, which opened in a V to accomodate him. Albus shifted his legs, but there was no avoiding his calves coming to rest against the other boy's thighs. No matter, he thought, Gellert is the one who suggested this.

That fact did nothing to prevent his pulse quickening.

Gellert's eyes locked onto his, and there was the hint of a laugh hidden behind them. "Go on, then," he smiled.

Albus could smell Gellert-- his clean musky perspiration, the sweetness of mead on his breath.

"Try to close your mind." He raised his wand and began to lose himself in concentration.



Flashes came to him.

Albus greeting him in front of Aunt Bathilda's house.

Albus's serene smile from across the room.

A lock of auburn hair that had fallen in front of his eyes.

Catching his gaze from across the room.

His eyes lingering on Albus's trousers.

Feeling himself harden when his leg touched his beneath the table.

Albus's hands.

In bed at night, stroking himself to thoughts of piercing blue eyes.

His heart was hammering.


"Albus, are you not well?" He felt Gellert's hands at his face, smoothing away droplets of perspiration and strands of hair. "Here, have a sip of mead."

He took the glass somewhat reluctantly and took a small sip. He felt Gellert's hand rubbing soothing circles on his back.

Albus coouldn't bring himself to speak. He continued to sit with his eyes closed, letting Gellert continue rubbing his back, savoring the feeling. Afraid suddenly that it might stop. He tried to stop shaking. He really did, but it was no use.

"Gellert," he breathed, his eyes still closed. "Do you know what I saw?"

"Shhh." The circles went on, and he shivered in spite of the heat. "I know."

His eyes snapped open and he stood quickly, moving away from what he knew he couldn't, shouldn't have.

"How can you be so calm? I can't understand it!" he exclaimed. "Aren't you the slightest bit concerned about what I saw?"

Gellert' s face fell into an expression of utter seriousness, and something else Albus couldn't bring himself to identify.

"Didn't I say that I trust you?" He crossed the floor to Albus and clasped his hands between his own. "It's just between the two of us, Albus. It's the business of no one but the two of us." His face was close, so close. How could I possibly? His lips were mere inches away. If he just gave in a little...

"No one else, Albus. Only us," he whispered.

He could feel Gellert's breath ghost across his neck and ear. He couldn't repress the shiver that ran through his shoulders. He felt the last vestiges of his reserve crumble beneath Gellert's soft kisses upon his neck, behind his ear, along his jaw. Albus sighed softly.

"How could I ever deny you anything?" he breathed.

Gellert pulled back, his hands holding Albus's between their chests, his grey eyes staring into the other's clear blue. He felt Gellert's hand circle around the small of his back, and the other reach up to touch the back of his neck.

"Never do, Albus," he said gently, his lips so close, so very close.

"Never," he whispered back against Gellert's lips, which though they were done speaking, continued to move in a restless rhythm.
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