drinking and discussing: for h_hollister

Jan 04, 2008 03:02

Donna swing-leans in the door of the nursery, where John is attempting to get Robert to keep his damn pants on. "Aw, look at that, he's taking after his daddies already."

"You aren't very nice," John informs her, without looking up. "Mommy isn't very nice, is she? No, she's not."

"My heart bleeds. Hey, I'm going out."


"Drinks with Hips. You got it there?"

"Yeah, I got it. Say hi to Polly for me."

"Will do. Can you do something about Nami's window?"

"'Do something'?"

"Yeah, involving locks."

"...got it. Call."

"Yeah, yeah."

Finding a bar is rarely if ever difficult for Donna, who has spent so much of her life in them. Meeting Hippolyta for drinks, therefore, isn't really much of a challenge -- well, not the 'arriving and sitting down', part, anyway. She hasn't decided, yet, exactly how detailed or honest she wants to be about catching Hips up on the last few months...'course, she's fairly sure vagueing it up will get her ass kicked, and also it wouldn't exactly be difficult to get the details from John anyway.

That kind of decides that.

On the other hand, Hips has just set a date. She can probably be derailed. CLEARLY this is so. Maybe she's even forgotten the reason they're drinking...

hippolyta, john, rp

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