Some elder stuff that I made. Because elders don't have enough pretty things. Also, they were requested!
The first is a dress based on All-About-Style's elder pencil dress, which is lovely and wonderful and I use all the time. I wanted more options for shoes, though, and I thought gothplague's slingbacks would be cute. They're kind of high, but my grandmother's in her mid-eighties and insists on wearing shoes very similar to these, so to hell with practicality.
There's no fat morph, sorry to say. I made one, but it exploded, and since this was going to be personal use originally I didn't care enough to put one in. A fat morph has been added, courtesy of
Categorized as everyday and formal, correct shoe sounds, compressed.
All-About-Style for the original mesh, gothplague for the shoes,
Ghanima and
Bosie for the shoe textures,
Xandher for the skirt texture,
PoisonPinkLemons and
Shannanigan for the shirt textures,
pooklet for the color actions used on two dresses.
Edit: Hey! Guess what!
pinketamine is super awesome and added a fat morph for the mesh! Just replace mine with this new one, it will overwrite it.
[Download mesh with fat morph!] [Download Atmosphere.] The second thing is a pencil skirt, using tamo's separated AL skirt mesh. I am all about pencil skirts these days so of course I had to see to it that my elderly ladies could get in on that. I used my own textures from my Underjoyed dresses and Four Rusted Horses skirts and I'm pretty pleased with how they came out. I think they look sort of velvety.
Two meshes are included. I think the only one you strictly need is tamo's, but I use CatOfEvilGenius's improved shape mesh with these and it requires tamo's to work, so you get both. Files are compressed.
tamo and
CatOfEvilGenius for the mesh(es),
pooklet for their colors.
[Download Loveless.] P.S.
Secret #17, I could probably export Miss Pretty as a breed and share her that way, but she's actually an ingame breed. The Himalayan, maybe? I adopted her from the pet service, I didn't actually change anything. So it would be kind of pointless, I think?