May 12, 2002 02:27
here i am, walking down the street.
and i stop. why do i stop? cause it's the bus stop and if i don't stop i gotta keep walking and it's on the other side of the island so screw that. so i stop. and i wait. and here comes this person. all trendy and thin, and doofy, and trendy, preppy, and oddly enough... next to her is someone who looks like they should not be with this trendy preppy twit. a gothic, almost punky goth with some glam thrown in short girl with big sunglasses, the kind that should have been outlawed in the early 80's. and here i am, and my friend bob. bob, eating kfc. KFC!!! he'll burn in hell... apperently i didn't know that... cause i to will burn in hell. but lets recap before i go to the end, here come to people, you can tell are pure poseur fucks, and heres me and my friend bob, and my friend bob with a bucket of chicken, and a really cool pair of leather boots, the non cheap sundownkid stripper type, and a friggin imitation snakeskin cowboy hat. ((yes we were going to a weird costume party, the kind were you dress in normal clothes but have to dress as something)). so here i am, dressed as me in 3 weeks, and here is bob, as a "some people call me a space cowboy some people call me the pompatus of love" and "if i leave you tomorrow would you still remember me" and "hey babe talk a walk on the wild side, and all the little coloured girls go do do do...." all wrapped up into one and a bucket of chicken in his lil greasy hands. and dirty little looks come from the duo of stupidity. ends up one of them asks where to get off for so and so street. theirs a party, the same party we're going to. oddly enough their dressed as each other... okay long story long, we end up there. and bob and me split up, and he goes to talk to his girlfriend ((a cool little short chick with almost 32 foot[[exageration]] tall platforms, dressed as a neon doll pom-pom parader)) and i go. to the back. where theirs beverages. so their walks in those 2 morons. the trendy one now apperently dressing as her self... how cheap. what a novel idea. why bother trying to be original there. you came here dressed as your friend, which was gaggly enough without changing and saying your cool cause you dissobayed the party rules... yeah i envy no one cause theirs to many people like this in the world. and the trendy one... who dressed like the trendy one trying to be as non trendy as she can while making herself thrice as trendy as trendy can be, still stayed the same. so here comes the freaky chick, all with stupid coloured hair. now i died my hair in my day before i chopped it off, aka, grew up, stopped beliving in actors ability to be people, and stopped wearing stupid stripped hats! i mean how chic right? here is this girl who apperently lacks oxygen, and has dork glasses, cause she's chic btw. metal lunch box at her hand, and probably has a boy friend who contracted shit with a needle in his arm and a dick in his ass. no less, a union underground shirt. and a stupid look. alook that will go down in the ages of my age, as the look that i hate the most. the look...of...
yes a god damn oily skinned fuck. also known as a vegan. you know what? don't look at me or my website or my livejournal if your a vegan. stop... please stop because you infuriate me every second of my life. for almost 2 decades you have decayed the life of the world, the decadence you spread is unrelenting. your stupidity amazes me. it befaffles me. it cagrulifies me. it umpaloompas the loompanoos!!! you are the bane of my very existence. vegatarians... thats a preference. being homsexual, that is a preference. i have no problems with preferences, or choices, but as for veganism... i have no tolerance for just plain out useless ignorant horse shit people!!! sitting there talking about she's a vegan. bragging. as if it's something to brag about. no overcoming dislexia is something to brag about. winning an award for something with a purpose is something to brag about. theirs no nobelprize for not eating meat cause your an idiot now is there? theirs no reason for that shit. why? cause your an idiot. you know that right? you realize that? or are you just really pridefull in the mistake you made in the past. are you unable to let go of your natural heathenism? are you just dumb. you know you are. admit it. so here she is talking about veganism. how great it is. how humans aren't supposed to eat meat. thats funny. if we were meant to have nothing but plants don't you think our fucking appendixes would have some use? would have some purpose other than to be sliced the fuck out of my body as it's about to burst years ago? hmmm? explain the fucking teeth? and explain the fucking acids in our stomach... explain the monkeys eating MEAT!!!
yes meat. it's odd no? no no no no no no no no no! NO IT's NOT!!! and then... i take a peice of food that happens to be made of a PIG!!! holy shit, she had the fucking gaul to slap that out of my hand. didn't bother to say hi, or even thank you after we said what stop to get off at, but more than willing to slap the greasy fatty peice of pork out of my hand, and on to the floor to gather in dust and uncleansened floor shit. so what do i do, i take a carrot... no i didn't give in to the darkside, oh no, i take a carrot, a big carrot, a nice juicey vegan carrot, and i took it, and i wrapped deli meat around it, and chomped on that sucka. still... going to slap it out of my hand, but this time saying something like "thats unnatural". and went off on a rant about stupid meat is. how wrong it is. well excuse me... cause i ate meat. and i liked it... so what happens, james jokes in silience off in a far corner to someone who looks like they enjoy a nice slab of loaf everynow and then, not just loaf, but meatloaf, the kind with the bacon on top, that it would be funny. funny yes i say funny cause he said funny to, he said if someone threw meat at her it would be funny. and so it began. the music, which sucked anyway cause it was some stupid wiccan band that wishes they were alice in chains, you know, let
godsmack them up the head cause their moronic, in my mind now played as an old ww2 song. full orcastrated. when the plains would decend onto the heroes and the heroes turned and started shooting down the plains ya know? here i am, wathing in enjoyment, the kind the lazy dog recieves after being scratched in the puppy spot that makes his leg kick against his ribs, only i wasn't kicking, just laughing, as this plane of a bitch gets rampacked with the "evils". the horrible vial, disgusting, unnatural, savoring, mouth watering, taisty lil treats, the meat! deli meats of all kind. spran fourth from our heroes hands all around me. slashing the wind open i could hear them zoom. twice i felt the wind against my ear as a chunk of meat narrowly missed me as it zoomed passed. meat slapping, juices leaving trails, they were throwing meat... at the vegan. oh the injustice of it all was to much for our poor, and stupid, vegan. i watched it seemd in slow motion. a slab or cold roast beef hit her on her cheeck, and with a slap, and stuck! it stuck and then started to slip down to her chin before flapping off to the tiled kitchen floor below. it was a wonderfull site. someone threw a hot dog that landed right at her eye. you may not beleive me but raw hamburger was lunjed, before our great host, who was most enjoying himself, yelled out to not throw the hamburger meat, thats for the bbq. and yet it seemed like hours, days, of pure satisfaction in the events that concoured in my sights, when turly a minute of time passed only. only a minute. and she stormed off. and her friend with her. and i stood. happy.
damn i waisted alot of time and space for this. but it was well deserving. all hate mail from the vegans can be sent to i look foward to reading them and responding in a just and modified manor. modified? why modified? simple, i would loose my email account with my original reply so i will have to mock you in a cencored version. but fear not my non meat eating adversaries of immence emtpy headed space, for you will see. you will see. the reckoning is soon. when all meats, will be thrown at you to. and when that day comes, their will be no host to save the raw chopped meat for the barbeque. and you will be left meats-a-plenty covering every orafice of your body every inch of flesh, and umbriddled amounts of meat juices and far curls and bacon fat melted down to make stews will wrinkle up your toes and fingers into pruns, the very pruns you used to eat, but now you will stink like the badly cooked hotdog, like the pigeon the poor man cought and rosted in his burning coloumn of fire inside a drum, like the very essence of your soul!!! spoiled green modly ham...
and when this day comes... i will be... a god... and.. a mammoth.