Aug 29, 2007 07:53
Went to ADams last night. Colt called me at like 11 wantin to know if I wanted go cuz he and & Tony were just their leaving their place and he was doing the show. lol So sure! Why Not! lol I got there like 10min before them, and when they got there and we went to the back, all his shit was gone....apparently they moved everything last Friday for when they had that band there, and he figured it was in the basement. Well, there was no way to get into the basement cuz he didn't wanna call Chad and his bf who live upstairs cuz they'd be sleeping and he dind't wanna piss them off. So it was basically gonna be a bust, which sucked cuz they just drove from Cleveland lol And bartender Mike was an ass tol Colt when he askled him for the basement key. So then Chad's bf gets ahold of him and says he's got the basement door open. But, while there was bunches of Colt's shit down there, it was not the rigut shit that used to be up in the bar lol So, we go back up and Chad's bf said that it;s probably next door in the PRIDE center. So we go get asshole bartender MIke and see if he knows where COlt's shit is, and he did have a key to the Pride Center so he let us use it and we went over and there everything was. So we hauled it over and by then there was only enough time for Colt to do one number cuz they were supposed to be doing their shower contest...but there weren't enough people for the contest so they did some more drag numbers and Colt got to do another song lol Cassie popped in, too. And then I started to fell all...4th wheel or something cuz they were all reminicing and telling stories and And plus Erica & Jay(Jay James, drag king lol) were there, too all over each other and it was kinda a Cassie vs Erica silent battle lol So, then Colt & Tony went over to talk to Erica at one point, one at a time, and I guess Tony made her cry cuz Tony luv her to death, but he likes Cassie more lol I was havin a little deja vu from when Jarid & Dave broke up the first time lmao And they kept talking about them hanging out all the damn time, and ok, so I got a tiniest bit jealous every now and then lmao ANd Ton'y slike, "Wher are you gonna get a car so you can come up and the 4 of us can all be stupid together and sit around my house drinking and being losers playing Monopoly" LMAO Yeah, need to bond with Cassie...then I can go with her lol(How bad is it, really, that the only reason I have for really wanting to try and get over the phobia of driving is to be able to get myself to Colt & Tony to hang with them lol...cuz fuckign COlt wants to try and start doing shows at Bounce every now and then now! SONOFABITCH! lol...AGAIn, just like when I was in Kent and couldn't get here for any of his shows lol) I also thought about, if they'd come down here, I'd pay gas money for them(cuz I make more now, and I have a lot saved anyway, I can spare like once a week, if that, and help them with gas money...they're flat broke and I feel bad, and I'm all about helping people out, so yeah lol)...but still I dunno if Tony's want to drive it but we'll see...I'll bring it up someday lol Or, last night they talked about Colt doing 1 Sunday a month at Adams...and the fact that asshole bartender Mike wants Carla(who does Tues & Sun now) to take over Fridays as well, but she won't and Colt won't let him let anyone take over his show lol ANd Tony would possibly DJ Colt's Sunday as well, depending on how much pay is, cuz Tony won't do it for less than $40(so basically gas money lol). So, if I can attempt to being open and bond a little more, perhaps I can get a weekend a month in with, they come down on Fridays for the show, and then I can go back with them, until Sunday for that show :P Maybe I'll get a conversation going about this when I'm drunk and say that jokingly(and about them coming here and me payng gas) and see if either of them take it any kind of seriously lol Seriously felt like a tag along or something eventually last night, it made me keep thinking to myself, "Why am I still here, might as well go home" lol Plus after the show we were outside on the patio and Colt was eventually like, "Hey fag're about to elar what it means to be a fag hag....all that stuff of mine spread out all over the all needs to go back in the crates and ready to be put in the car...have at it." To which I replied, "YEah, I have to go home, gotta get up a tlike 7 for work" lol ANd ya know, I sersiouly almost left lol But I dind't of course, and we hung around fora little longer until mike started kicking people out and Cassie & I got Colt's shit together, Colt turned back into Colt from Tatiana lol and Tony got the car ready for all Colt's shit lol Ton'y like, trying to figure out how to fit all Colt's shit, plus me and Cassie in the car, cuz one crate had to go in the backseat cuz it dind't fit in the trunk, I'm like,"Hey, I can walk home" Tony' slike, "You're not walkiong!" I'm like, "I walked HERE and nobody cared, and it was only a couple hours ago, I can manage a walk home" He's lilke, "Shut up, I'm taking you home." I was like, "I'mnjust the servant, I don't need a ride home" lol He dind't like that lol But yeha, we left, the dropped me off...but first wanted to go to Taco Bell cuz COlt was hungry and it was 2:50 and I guess they close at 3, but they were already closed, so we went through Rally's, and Colt ordered a Chicken sandwich, with nthing on it, and tony was ordering and he tells the person over the speaker, a #9, just bun-chicken-bun, nothing on it, and he kept confusing the guy and it omg it was hiularious...we're like, OMG Tony WTF! cuz he just kept saying random things about how Colt dind't want anything on the sandwich...just bun-chicken-bun lol Still felt out of place though...but Colt's like, "Spanks(yeah, Spanks, not thanks, it's his thing lol) for coming out!! See you Friday!" lol I know, I'm neurotic, but it's a little uncomfortable trying to squeeze my way into this little bubble of there closeness, half squeezing and half being pulled in as well by Colt & Tony...but at least they're pulling, too...and I'm not just like, throwing myself in unwanted lmao But it's still a little 3rd, erm, 4th lol-wheelish at times
ANyway, that's it. I actually woke up withOUT an alarm this morning, too, and I didn't go to bed until just after 3....I got up at like 7:45 or before lol...I tried to go back to sleep cuz I don't have to be at work until 9:30, and I was gonna try to get in like 20 moremin, I had my alarm set for 8:10 lol But no, couldn't fall back asleep, so here I am, and no time is winding down and I need to go find something to was a lot easier when I could throw on some jeans and a hoodie or something, but now I have to be all professional lol And my professional clothes barely fit...which is pissing me off...oh, I hd my physical the other day, and I about fought with that scale! I think I've taken carew of any craving for any of the places right by Kid Space, so I won't be buying anything for lunch or diner over there, so I can just eat my yogurt for lunch and come home and basically eat nothing for diner....or maybe coco wheats or peaches & cream oatmeal cuz that's all I have lol
But yeha, gotta go try to find something to wear that doesn't look like shit lol ANd head to work, and we have a meeting at 6(so at least I work until 6 today so I dont' have to come leave then come back lol like an hour later lol) ANd I've got oodles of stuff to bring up and ask about at the meeting. I was scarred yesterday...Carla told me we weren't allowed to put anything on the walls OR the kids' cubbies cuz of the building owner person or something lol...then a little later DeAnna came in and she said that was changed and now we're allowed to put stuff up...cuz, seriously, not being able to put anything up just took away like, every idea to make that room cute as hell lol But yay, we can put stuff up now :P
T.T.F.N. :-*