Apr 05, 2008 18:44
Once again, I have been neglecting my LJ life, though in my defense, this time I'm actually living my life, instead of just talking about all the changes I want to make. I recently left my job, and hopefully Corporate America for good. I just couldn't handle it and cracked under the pressure. Normally, I'm able to cope with pretty much any situation, but lately, I had nothing invested there. The BS outweighed my desire to succeed, and in the end I didn't succeed.
It's okay though, because I stand here facing my own life, on my own terms. I know I've said that very phrase before, but it was never really true. I mean I was working through things, but I never had the strength to just let go of a world I hated and really chase my dreams. I'm doing that now.
That's not to say the transition has been easy, it definitely hasn't. I have next to no money, and I'm wondering how I'm going to work through all the bills required to stay afloat on my own. I struggle with putting all my eggs in one basket and trying to make it in a very competitive, and very artistic world. Still, I know I have to try.
I got a new job. I do event photography for the Spirit of Philadelphia. The crew I work with is awesome, and I get to have a camera in my hands all shift, so it's great. Though, my mom looks at my choices as taking a giant step back. She says I need a career. I'm determined to make this a career.
The next steps...
1. Find affordable, quality photo classes.
2. Save, save, save for a decent digital and a lappy.
3. Keep the faith and succeed, cuz I will if I'm determined enough.
That's all for now.