So nice to meet you! Events in Milan

Oct 30, 2013 22:17

Past week I attended 3 events, for a grand total of 4 days! On Thursday and Friday you may have met me at theFrontiers of Interaction, in Milan, where I attended workshops and conferences. I also did play a bit on my friend Orf's stand with his artsy and magic installation. Wanna see? Here's a video of me having fun!

[YouTube Link]

On Saturday I attended the Pragma Conference with these awesome guys. The Pragma conference was all about iOS and it has been cool. Some more iOS knowledge does always help (plus I loved the talk about videogames, Mr Marin Todorov has been very engaging and SpriteKit 101 seems interesting enough to give it a try) :)
Oh, and here's a pic I grabbed from PragmaMark's twitter account:

[Photo by PragmaMark - you can see me bottom left, eheh!]

On Sunday I paid a visit to Playing the Game event, a small yet well organized event about gaming, games and indie developers. It has been nice to meet some like-minded people and I took an awesome picture that I want to share with you; isn't this xbox controller amazing?

Also, since someone asked me: no I did not attend the Games Week. Although it was an interesting event and I would have loved to experience the IGDS summit, the event collided with two of the above mentioned other events. So much stuff filled into the same week, ew!

So if we've seen eachother at any of these events; it has been nice to meet you! Please forgive me if I can't remember about you pronto next time as I got to know tons of people, just remind me who you are!

More stuff about these events soon :)
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