OOC: Tracking

May 30, 2025 19:06

DAY 32

Arrival: Wakes up and finds himself in a new place. A very cheery nurse drags him out of bed.
Breakfast: In the cafeteria, Zexion is overwhelmed by all the scents and sulks in a corner. Naminé and Luxord join him. The three Nobodies discuss Landel's, Zexion's previous presence at the place (or not, as Zexion believes), and whether or not VI should be allowed to have strawberries.
2nd Shift (Sun Room): Zexion runs into Demyx; they talk about Landel's and what happened after Zexion died.
Lunch: Zexion once again deals with the cafeteria, only this time is distracted by Kairi and her part-dark nature. Conklin joins them as well. Zexion interrogates Kairi, bringing up bad memories of her MU session, and earns a cane beating for his trouble. He also gets labeled as a sociopath in Conklin's mind.
4th Shift (Sun Room): After recovering a bit in his room, Zexion shows up at the History Club meeting. Okita explains the basics to him and Conklin. Zexion also notes Shion's assault on Naminé and decides to mention it to the other members at some point.
Dinner: Zexion misses dinner because he was stuck backthreading


M1-M10 to M-B Hallway:  Zexion packs up and moves quickly to the meeting spot, where he currently is scribbling in his journal next to Kunzite.  Nothing of particular interest happens in the halls between, besides Zexion deciding that he would rather work with the Organization from now on.
M-B Block Bathrooms: The group walks into the bathrooms and proceeds to vandalize obtain metal from the place.  However a skeleton interrupts them and attacks Kunzite, who is very calm about the situation.  Zexion cowardly runs moves away from his mirror so that any other skeletons won't get to him.

DAY 33

Breakfast: He fools his nurse into letting him not go (aka failure on mun's part)
Sun Room: Chats with Xigbar about many things, such as how the night ended, the idiocy tendency of the neophytes to not be scientifically minded, and other things.  They also have a very subtle couch competition that plays no important role at all to the rest of the universe.


Doesn't get out.  Because mun was on hiatus.

DAY 34

Breakfast: Zexion meets Zim, gets insulted a lot, traumatizes the little alien, and becomes confused himself about what Zim is. (ON GOING)


DAY 32

[ O] Zexion asks about monsters. Scar (TLK) is obnoxious and Miles Edgeworth is helpful.
[ O] Zexion asks about missions in detail. Edgeworth once again is helpful.
[ O] Zexion considers the History Club.
[ O] Zexion answers to the Organization roll-call, briefly disputing leadership with Luxord, and then gets involved in a friendly insult war with Xigbar. The two agree to meet the next day during 2nd shift, then continue to bant

ooc, tracking

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