Aug 07, 2005 11:34
afraid to find the year out alone..
we know this is the last chance we have to be brillant and to get away with all the little things we laugh at, honestly, i didn't believe our elders when they said it would go by so fast. it's almost over and i missed a lot. there are so many things i didn't think about that i probably wish i had, so many people i would have rather not have met and others i wish i had. and yes when our heads are together we are definately the perfect epitome of people who think too much. we wasted too many tears on things we roll our eyes about now. the best is we were completely innocent to everything that was going to happen to us. how were we supposed to know that i wasn't really a bum and you weren't just the weird girl with five pigtails. i was always waiting for one of us to lose it but it was always someone else...someone so very close. patiently waiting for the days to bring us to where we dreamed to be. being wasn't so easy for either of us anymore. i became obessesed with kerouac novels while you got a boyfriend and well became "emo." together we dreamed of going somewhere, anywhere but where we were. nowadays i wish to be back to where i was. it's all ridiculous. i want to live forever. but everyone already knew that about me.
on the other hand death was always something you seemed to race towards. i thank you everyday that you never won the race. a hole always paralyzed you from continuing on. maybe another injury or set back here or there. i've hated you and i've absolutely loved you. i guess you are the sister i never had. yet even how fucking idiotic i have been you still listened and gave me the serious face with the super serious answer. wow the sun is setting and i have no light in my room except the glow of my laptop. something you like...darkness. you long for the light everyday though. you know something else about care way to fucking much. that's why you get hurt so much. the song scars identifies you "my weakness is i care too much" damn right.
i want to believe in fate more and more each day. i don't want to be in control because that makes me completely responsible for where ever i end up. yet other days i want to take the wheel and i am willing to turn. i ask you..what is my destiny?
us = anastasia and kathlyn