May 20, 2004 16:19
dude my dad is seriously strange. hes realllly country, like the rest of my family, and when memphis jumps on him, he says "get down hound". who calls a dog a hound? he also talks about his days is vietnam and tells me stories from when i was a kid. Hes also 95% deaf in his left ear, so in the past 2 days ive heard the word "what" more than i ever have in my life. BUT. this dude can COOK. he make dinner everynight thats freakin orgasmic.
My brother is never home. ive seen him probably a total of 10 hours this past week. he came in my room last night and asked if everything was ok and apologized for never being home. yeah. youre preaching to the choir.
KATHLEEN! theres a boy in my oral comm class his name is DEVIN and hes got black hair and looks JUST DEVIN DOWNEY. except hes about 98724 times nicer. isnt that cool? they even have the same name! woooop
i dont know what to say. everything i wanna say i cant say becuase again...people read this.