Gym Shopping

May 02, 2007 10:24

So now the health nut (me), is in a rut. My gym buddy is now unavailable to work out for the next month because he got signed on to a major project (he is in film). So unfortunately, I cannot use the gym in his condo complex while he is working. Sigh, no more free gym :(

At the risk of losing motivation, I must find a brick and mortar gym to subscribe membership to. I don't want to pay lofty membership fees, so I'm going to find an Independent gym that has reasonable month to month fees. I hate being locked into contacts.

So I'm gym shopping. I live in Mount Pleasant area (East Van), so I want something local. I don't want to drive all over town to get to a gym. I found this one gym that is nearby, about 8 blocks away -- 4 minute drive. It's in the heart of the Vancouver lesbian neighborhood (I love lesbians!). They boast of a $19.99 monthly fee, and it is an independent 24 hour gym. So I'm going to check it out. I'm dreading the possibility of enrollment fees and contracts. I'm willing to pay up to $30 a month, just as long as it doesn't have stupid contracts or enrollment fees.

I need to find a gym fast though -- I have missed the gym two days in a row...I fear my new lil muscles are shrinking AHHGHHGHGH! LOL just kidding, but seriously though, I need to keep with it!

shopping, gym, health

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