My night

Jan 04, 2005 22:53

Tonight I went to the prayer group held at church that I've never been able to go to b/c of work. I'm so thankful that I went! My youth leader said he felt that everyone needed to pray for me. He said he felt that there was an opressing spirit over my life, and it was trying to hold me back, but that the path I'm taking and the choice to follow what God has for me was pushing the spirit away. It was a great night for cleansing. I know that in the past year or so I've really been struggling with my relationship with God, and especially since I've been home from school. I tried to make my own decisions and run my own life without seeking what God wanted. And I was miserable. I'm so stoked that I went tonight.

So, with all of that said, I have a few things now that I'm praying about:
1. My job at a drug store in town - keep it or not?
2. My internship in Atlanta - It's at a christian radio station and I pray it goes well
3. Friends
4. My future - I'm praying about moving over seas within the next year to Ireland. I just want to know what God's will is for me.
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