Oct 09, 2006 19:35
so there was this dead mouse in front of my apartment. it was kind of wet from the rain with matted fur and its eyes still open. i felt a bad for it, so i pulled a bunch of leaves of the nearest bush and covered it up. i dunno, it was like a pseudo-burial. my neighbor saw me and laughed at me.
my question is, was is really that wierd? does that make me a crazy person? i don't care if it does, i'm just wondering.
steve got me a guitar for my birthday, and i have a seemingly end list of songs i want to play. im pretty far off from that point however, since i can barely do anything with it yet. it frustrates me that i can only play for a short time before my fingers hurt too badly. but alas, only with practice will i get better.
i have a cold and i hate not being able to breathe through my nose. my head feels like it weighs 100 pounds. my wonderful boyfriend brought me soup at work and i was able to make it through the day.
steve's mommy is getting married on sunday so i'm missing the 3-wk con meeting. marquis informed me she doesn't currently have a working car, which may equal no ride for people. sorry guys! i would totally give you a ride if i was going.
holy crap its getting late. i completely lost track of time and need to do some serious homework now.