It's like 4:30am and I'm supposed to be asleep cus in a few hours I have to go to the lab and get blood taken for my endocrinologist... THEN I have to go to my CFIDS/Fibro doc and get MORE blood taken for him. I am really not looking forward to this. I feel like poop and I kind of have a feeling that getting the blood drained out of me twice isn't going to help the situation. I'm already drained dammit!
Today I conquered grocery shopping. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal to most people.. but it was to me.
My wonderful boyfriend made me belated Thanksgiving dinner on Friday since we never made it to Thanksgiving dinner. It was worth the delay. We had it vegetarian. The fake turkey was nasty, but the fake chicken was delish. I didn't have energy to make my homemade cranberry sauce this year.. but I hope I can make it when I feel up to it and while the cranberry is still in season. (I'm sorry.. It felt so wrong eating the canned kind!) This Thanksgiving dinner was also peaceful cus family members weren't there. And we didn't have to answer stupid questions about ourselves or act all social. Yay for antisocialness! :P But yeah.. it really made me happy that he knew how important it was for me and he made it happen even though he has been feeling like poop too. Thanks sweetness!
Christina took me to dinner after acupuncture on Thursday and she makes me smile and laugh and I Love her.
BTW, I was having intense pain in my hips recently, and I had the doctor specifically do acupuncture on my hips.. and no joke.. it worked almost immediately. It helped a LOT. I LOVE acupuncture.. It is the only doctor's appointment I look forward to. I highly recommend it. Plus I get to see my best friend when I go since she works there! Double bonus!
I have tickets to see the medium John Edward in less than 2 weeks and I am SO excited! The venue is like 10 minutes away so it should be easy to get to.. And this makes me so much less anxious about going since it's close by. I just hope Mitch and I are both feeling a lil better by then. I wanted us to hear from loved ones last year when we went.. but we didn't.. so maybe this time! Even though we didn't, it was still an amazing event.
Okay.. I seriously need to try to sleep. Why is sleep so hard?
*extra health vibes for