come on bitches

May 14, 2005 14:14

so whats the deal with all these bitches ruining the world. it seems like everywhere i turn someone is saying some bad shit about someone else. seriously, let it go. its been ONE FUCKING YEAR since high school ended, do people really feel the need to go back to high school? does all this petty bullshit have to go on for the rest of our lives? do you really have to know every detail of a persons life, a person who you claim not to like but none the less keep bringing up in your day to day conversations? for real people... come on. grow up. get past high school. we're starting our second year of college! do you not fucking realize that!

get over yourselves
get out of other people lives
and move on with your own

is it really that complicated?
do i have to spell it out for you?

M O V E O N ! !
H I G H S C H O O L I S O V E R ! ! !
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