The Greatest Anagram in the World . . .

Aug 24, 2009 20:07

. . . maltreats the endearing warthog!

There's been a good anagram program flying around Facebook recently, and I've found some very interesting cool things. My name comes out to "Canoodle, lavish mercy," which is ok . . . but obviously not as cool as some others.
"Monty Python's Flying Circus" becomes "Strongly psychotic? I'm Funny."
"Richard Milhous Nixon" becomes "No! I shun horrid climax!"
"President Barack Hussein Obama" comes out to "I am a cherub's top-rank beadiness."
and my sister's name computes out to be "Mega hard-core molester." Yep. Gotta love it.

(click here to try it out)

All these names and their resulting anagrams are very fine, of course . . . but to get a really GREAT anagram, you have to put in a really great name. So I put in the greatest name I could think of, and unfortunately, the program couldn't handle it. The name was just THAT awesome. So I cut the name into sections, and fed in small pieces at a time, and the program was able to handle these mini-chunks of awesome. After some newfangled computerized calculations, and some good, old-fashioned brainwork, the name "Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfernschplendenschlittercrasscrenbonfrieddiggerdingledangledongledunglebursteinvonknacker-
zweimacheluberhundsfutgumberabershonedankerkalbsfleischmittleraucher von Hauptkopf of Ulm" comes out as the following:

Warmest tank in appalling pig-dung brawl? Bleah.
Jar of dirt for relentless, feeble, gentler stud? LEGEND!!!
Drenched detainee could be elk-born eunuch. Vagabond sloth seizes Nobel Prize!
If chief burglars harm fence with crass pun, then a deranged geek will invent potent sharksuckers.
Erotic butt-nymph begins dangling ovum. Sputtering charmer now merely slurring. Both unkind . . . shame.
Abhorrent sub-human blackmailer! TURN!!! (Shrek gently corrects turn.)


I haven't been updating my lj because, essentially, nothing's been happening. Stagnation City. Still no job, still no girlfriend (although that's mainly because there's no way I'm going to try to strike up a relationship when I'm not even supporting myself), still no change in the Mom situation--or IS THERE?!? Yep, Mom's finally moving out, a box at a time. She's not telling us where she's going, and we're not asking--I for one don't want to know. She should be gone by the end of August. We get the house back! Yay! Now we can give the upstairs to someone who can actually be pleasant, and clean up her own messes, and pay rent & stuff.

Oh, I was briefly involved with a burlesque troupe, too. Not a Big Thing by any means, but it was just about the only interesting thing I've been up to in the past . . . 8 months . . . so I'm mentioning it. I keep forgetting that one of the reasons I left the Theatre Department was because it was full of Theatre People, and especially their Drama. I think I went to about 12 rehearsals, and at maybe 3 of those, there was some actual rehearsing going on. The rest of the time, it was just people sitting around, either talking about grandiose plans for the future or complaining about failings in the past. The troupe was spectacularly poorly run, I will say that: I was originally recruited to be the troupe's singer and straight man, but wound up also being a writer, a Master of Ceremonies, and an artistic director as well--and I certainly wan't the only one who took on additional duties to cover for someone else's inexperience/incompetence. All in all, the whole organization was pretty much a clusterfuck, which makes it all the more surprising that we were able to pull a darned good show out of our collective ass. Stick a bunch of raw amateurs with debatable talent into a seedy bar with an abysmal layout . . . what are the odds that they're going to pull it off without a (noticable) hitch, and get a near-capacity house to love damn near every act? (Okay, the band Pink Lincoln played a couple of sets, and they're pros, so we definitely won't try to take credit for them.) When all's said and done, we put on quite a good show, which makes it almost a shame that there won't be another. The troupe is still technically operating, but under the same management, and most of the original people with actual talent have left. I think you can see where *that's* going . . . I've said that we'd be fools NOT to do another show for Halloween, but now I think that even that would be a bad idea, as it would be another gasp of air for something we should just allow to die in peace.

And now it's time for STUPID YOUTUBE LINKS!

These are YouTube links:
I never cared for the "mass, brute-force" style of Lego myself, but this is kickass.

If that wasn't enough old-school for you, you could always hack the drivers that control your floppy drive.


I doubt you could have missed this one, but here it is again, just in case.

Pretty girls, Ren Faire garb, *and* PDQ Bach? Oh yeah.

When I say, "Clint Eastwood," you say, "Ukulele!"

I want the G.I. Joe movie to do more stuff like this.

And of course, this one is just bitchin'.

And this is NOT a YouTube link: How to Launder your Rats
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