I’m having a proud mama moment… a couple months ago I was asked if I could do a photo shoot of Ellie for my office’s research magazine to illustrate an article about making your own baby food. The latest issue was released today, and
you can see the online version of the article here.
If you’ve ever taken photos of babies, you know how challenging it can be (one of the many outtakes from our mini shoot is to your right). I didn’t quite get the exact photo we needed on the first try, so the final “photo” was actually a combination of two images, skillfully merged by one of our graphic designers.
Ellie had a lot of fun with this. Normally we don’t let her play with her food, so having complete freedom to smear, smush, squish and splat the puree everywhere was baby bliss. That grin you see? Completely genuine. I’m going to clip a copy of the print article to go in Ellie’s baby book so we can show her how much she enjoyed her first “modeling” gig.
Originally published at
Sixhours Photography. Please leave any
comments there.