May 25, 2007 16:45
So yes, first night tending bar at Caritas? ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. Assuming "absolutely brilliant" means "the worst fucking night of my entire life, even including the six weeks I spent in traction after the bludger accident". Apparently I am not as sexy as Tonks in pink spandex, no matter how hard I try. Sirius tried to eat part of my costume (not even an interesting part) and Percy couldn't show up because he was held up at work :(
At this point, auroring seems to be a far less deadly job than bartending. I did manage to get Seamus well and truly pished, though--actually I haven't seen him--did he make it out of Caritas alive last night?!
Spent the night at Tonks'--that turkey may LOOK harmless, but I woke up with some very suspicious marks. Remind me to do a bit of testing later. I could be a were-turkey and NOT EVEN KNOW IT!
nocturnal gobblings aside, I think Pappa Lorne's grand opening went smashingly-nothing like a bit of drama to spice things up, eh?
YOU OWE ME A NEW PAIR OF BOOTS, BLACK! Mine've got teeth marks on them now, thankyouverymuch. As does my sporran, and I have no idea where THOSE came from.