fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck!

Jun 10, 2004 22:08

I had the weirdest dream last night. I dont know where it came from, but it really scared me. You know how you can usually retrieve vivid pictures in detail only when you first wake up? Well I was a little afraid, so I didn't really try to bring back anything that I thought of. Anyway, it was like... the government completely fell and it really realistic, and everything was complete and utter chaos. The whole dream I was thinking "how could this have happened I wish this was all just a dream. I want things to be back the way they were.".. and some guy was trying to kill all of me and my family, and we were all lined up standing there, ready to die, and I took a butter knife and tried to stab the guy that was going to kill us.. and I stabbed him, and it went really deep, but he just like kept twitching and finally got up and started moving again so I had to stab him again right in the back.. it was so fucking disturbing.. no one else would do anything though and they were all just standing there waiting to die. I felt so inhuman for killing this guy... and thats all i remember, then I woke up. I think I dreamed about this because I started reviewing for my History final about how people don't have governments that actually work and the inflation that went on after the stupid thing we made Germany sign after World War I that made them pay like 29687983275938 billion dollars (hey I actually learned something!) Anyway, I hate being afraid in dreams because then I feel like there is no hope. And then when I wake up I want to know WHY I had to have such a fucked up dream.

On an unrelated note:
Someone recommend me some music..I need something new. I told Carolyn today that I didn't really like emo anymore, and then she said she hated me because I 'ruined her life' and cried her emo eyes out. What an emosexual. Actually recently I've been listening to a lot of Incubus lately. I'm beginning to actually like Morning View, and I completely forgot about the clips of South Park Liz put at the end of the cd to take up space.

"So don't let the world bring you down, not everyone is here is that fucked up and cold. Remember why you came and why your alive. Experience the warmth before you grow old."
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