Productive Brainstorming

Dec 08, 2008 13:10

Last night I sat down in front of the TV with my sketch pad and tried to work out some ideas for paintings or comic strips or whatever. I’m not going to draw the VTA anymore but if I get random ideas for comic strips I might draw one every now and then.

The first thing I drew was Vault Boy from Fallout 3 (the guy in my profile pic.)

I think I’m going to work him into a comic-artsy painting. I can paint a halfway decent line with a #4 flat sable so I don’t anticipate having any problems painting video game characters, comic book characters, etc. The real devil is in painting the backgrounds which I guess will be a hodge-podge of 1950’s style duck-and-cover type shit. If I can get used to doing stuff like that I’ll eventually come up with something that isn’t someone else’s IP.

The other thing I ended up at was a sketch of two satellites. One was vaguely Sputnik and the other was an American spy satellite.  In the one panel I finished the spy satellite was saying “It’s lonely over East Germany.” and the other was saying “maybe the next time we traverse at this proximity the Cold War will be over.” Not very compelling by itself but I was amused by the drawing enough to flesh the idea out a little more.

Part of my motivational problem when I used to draw the webcomic was that I enjoy drawing objects more than people. Maybe if everything in the comic was an object I’d draw it more often.

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