Oct 13, 2004 21:03
Today was a half day (for explanation read previous post). After school I went downtown with: Alex, Allie, Andrea, Denny, Josh, Paula, Natalie, Char, Kevin, Kirsten, Emily R, Emily V, and Michelle. Sorry if I forgot anyone.
The whole way to Westlake on the bus I whined, it was so great. I whined about we should have taken the 358, and if we had taken the 358 we would have been there like 20 minutes earlier. So we hung out at Westlake for a bit. Then Michelle and Emily V stayed and the rest of the group went to China town. We screwed around in the underground bus stops trying to figure out how to get there, I could have told people, but they would have just ignored me. We met up with Dennys friend Paula, and her friend, and had lunch at Uwajimaya. We hung around there and bought some stuff, Allie went into the hello kitty section, while everyone else tried not to puke. Then Kirsten and Emily R leave. Then we went to a Shrine/Garden thing. And I ambushed some people and threw rotten apples at them. It was so great. Josh climbed up on the top of this sorta mushroom shaped stone thing, and had trouble getting down. Then we left and went to the underground, where Allie and Andrea left. When we got to the Westlake underground part, we saw Allie and Andrea on the bus, and Andrea wannabe flashed us, it wasnt very impressive. Then Denny and Paula leave, so its just me, Josh, Kevin, Natalie, and Char. We missed the 16 by like 30 seconds, so we had to wait for 20 minutes for the next one. We went to McDonalds and loitered there for awhile. We saw Deanna and Kellie, and they came in. Kellie was showing off the thongs and other crap she wasted her money on. Then she pulls out a bracelet, and goes "Look! This was only $185!" and we all look at eachother and have the same expressions on our faces "185? WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!". Then the 16 comes. Andrea txts me on the bus, and Natalie sleeps. Me and Josh and Kevin had Char take a picture of us looking really sad because Andreas flash wasnt very impressive, and we were going to send it but it didnt work. So we harassed natalie as she slept, and took pictures, and other stuff. We got back to Blanchet and we went our seperate ways. Natalie and Char drive off blasting some Papa Roach song, which brings me to a teeny rant:
Papa Roach USED to be a good band, but now they have lost my respect because Jacoby Shaddox (the lead singer) wants to do a Hip Hop EP, ICKY ICKY ICKY!!!!!!!111111
I also tried to find Josh some busty asian porn and hentai in Uwajimaya, but I couldnt find any. It was pretty fun, look forward to doing it again.
I left my iPod's firewire cable and charger at my cabin, but luckily it can charge off the USB cable, YEY!!!
McDonalds is really anal about who used there bathrooms, the woman interrogated me to make sure i was a customer, who fucking cares?
Bush did pretty well in the debate i thought. Im just going to pound a stupid Kerry statement into the ground.
"I plan to double the special forces numbers" - And how do you plan do that? We have as many as we can. If we make the training not nearly as hard, they wont be special forces anymore.
Also Kerrys mom talking about integrity I found amusing, why should his mom have to remind him to have integrity? Even on her death bed...