So Ren War was fun. I saw some of the best fighting to date. There was a guy with a shield the size of a hardcover book who plowed through a throng of people with full-sized shields. There was a group dressed as Jedi, armed with brightly colored long-swords, obviously meant to resemble lightsabers, who were cutting down shielded swordsman after shielded swordsman. There was a lone fighter surounded by the Corvis battalion, who struck down 4 attackers before falling to the blade. There were trebuchets and massive crossbow seige machines. There must have been 300 armored fighters on the field clashing sword to sword. The sound was deafening. Quite akin to 20 NFL football games all on one field... if there were no downtime between plays and the NFL used steel for shoulderpads.
I saw a knighting (a ceromony done on the battlefield that lasted near an hour) performed by the King and Queen of Caid. I've never seen one before. It was powerful.
There was drunkeness and all kinds of partying. And now I'm broke. There were way too many sharp and shiny and just plain cool things to buy there.
OH!!! and there was not a "LIGHTNING BOLT!" in sight.
This is what Ren War REALLY looks like.