Get on my level

May 28, 2008 20:44

Holy hell!

Everything happens for a reason right? Okay well I was all piss-ant because I had to drive my friend all the way to Montgomery for a class. (GAS SUCKS), but i've realized that I came here for a reason.

I passed on old crush, an old flame if you will. And dudes, he's a hot mess. He looks like he's been living out of a truck for 3 years.

Let me go back and expose you to the horror that was Jacob Busk. He was adorable and too young for me. We met at a summer camp and I guess trees, dirt and lack of parental controls makes preteenies very touchie feelie. Well the fucker dropped me the second we got off of the bus. I was devastated! It hurt for a while but I got over it once the little shit moved to Nevada. Or so they said.

Well I just passed him on the campus walk five years later and bloody hail! Glad I dodged that bullet!
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