(This is, of course, primarily for one person's benefit. I think she knows who she is.)
So I'm impressed how much twisty and turny stuff made it into this episode without producer-given "twists". I was sort of expecting the whole "You won't expect who's going to EI!" trailers to be the winner of the reward challenge as just a random penalty.
Yau-Man was about as amusing and on top of things as ever; I remember a lot of the non-watchers around section being instant fans whenever he showed up, so anyone who's still around should probably see that episode. Sort of worried he might go next tribal council, unless Earl gives his idol to Yau-Man and the rest don't realize he found it. That's got a pretty good shot at happening, actually.
Most predictable final three in that case would be dropping Boo next via immunity idol 3, then Dreamz via immunity handoff, leaving Yau/Earl/Cassandra. (Is there any reason not to believe they're doing final 3 with jury of 9 again?) I'd hope the jury votes along "deserved to get this far" lines, then.
Oh, and Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? is a good way to destroy your hope in humanity. Granted, only 6/10 of the questions are absolutely trivial, but given that there are some easy ones even in the "hard" set, (One person went out on "What city in Virginia was the capital of the Confederacy during the Civil War?") and all three "lifelines" will basically let you get the question right if a fifth grader can, it's still rather pathetic to watch. On the other hand, it's fun to be ahead of the questions; one spelling one was "The word balloon has two pairs of double letters. How many pairs does this one have?", and my first guess at that point for both the answer and the word they'd use was correct.