I'd Rather Be Driving

Apr 24, 2004 18:46

So I spent a very depressing majority of today working on my Environmental Science research paper, and I honestly don't think I could have made it take any less time. I suppose I could have started it a few months ago and spread the w...hahaha!! What the hell am I saying!?!?!?! The sad thing is that this really has required next to no thought. Fortunately my ENTIRE day wasn't wasted though.

This morning my dad woke me up around nine to tell me he was going to the gym so I'd be alone for awhile. Mom and Anya had left around 5 to go to the Latin Convention at Chapel Hill which I SO SO SO SO SO miss because it was INCRDIBLYSUPERFUNALICIOUS and Mrs. Greene was the absolute best teacher I EVER had and I loved her and miss her so much! So yes, this morning I had several hours to myself in which I made iced green tea with jasmine, orange, and passionfruit, and also corn muffins. Then I watched silly, pointless TV for awhile until I decided I should get to work which was only about an hour later, thank you very much :o)

I left my dad a lengthy cell phone message in which I asked if we could go to the library when he got home because I had to have one book source for my paper, and then went on to explain that yes it is due on Monday, and yes I had waited a few months, but no it wouldn't take me very long to do. He called me back and laughed and said he really didn't care that I procrastinated and that yes we could go. I guess that was important to my day because I just spent a minute or so typing it...okay.

So anyway, I went to the library and I didn't have a stalker this time. However, while I was putting a book back on a shelf I saw this guy peripherally and it scared the crap out of me so when I turned to look at him I kind of jumped and I think he might have thought I was afraid of him. Well...I was at first, but not of HIM, just of the fact that he was there and I hadn't known it. Anyway, I felt bad when I saw that he was that homeless guy that is always in the library and that he must think I had jumped because I am afraid of homeless people. So I smiled and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." And he said "Awww", in the way that you would say "aww, that's too bad" to someone who says they don't have time to come to the movies with you but you know they just don't want to. Then I had to sit at the table right in front of him with my back to him and I was a little uneasy.

My little trip to the library was fun because I got to drive my 'Stang and I was hanging out with my dad which is always fun.

In other news...

I just have to say that Jeff, you are so fun and so sweet and one of the best friends I have ever had. I am so glad that we're friends and that we can talk about a lot of stuff and be supportive of each other. :o) Hehe I luff you too!! ;o)

So Vince is in Roanoke visitng his sister today and last night and tomorrow morning/afternoon. Yep. He sure is. You know, love is a crazy, crazy thing.

Okay so since I didn't spend ANY time yet studying for the APs I'd better go find someone who can print my paper and get to studying. I've decided with advice from friends and myself that I'm not going to freak out about these exams. I'm just going to do the best I can and you know what? If I'm not good enough for Guy, he can kiss my ass. :o
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