The Veil, The Screen, and The Boyfriend

Dec 05, 2006 09:36

the Veil presentation happens next Monday. in the meantime, i have to cobble together a large screen to stand behind while i tell the whole sordid tale. Women in Islam are apparently not allowed to speak in front of groups that include men, unless they are hidden from view completely.

it will be strange, talking to an audience i can hear but not see. (although these constant acts of physical distancing and removal would probably have more effect on me if i wasn't a recluse in the first place.)

i keep thinking the project is over, but it just gets weirder and weirder.

In Real Life...

Rob & i had a nice, extended weekend. we hung out with his folks, stuffed ourselves retarded on Cajun food, finished Rob's Christmas shopping, and vegetated on the couch. On Sunday we went to David's, for to watch the Bears/Vikings game. Both teams are mortal enemies of my own beloved Packers, so it was impossible to root for either side. Really, i just prayed for the stadium to blow up, but no such luck. *sighs* it's just not our season.

art, skool!, rob

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