Shit My Students Write

Oct 24, 2013 15:19

FYI, I teach college now.

"Society needed to realize that WWI wasn’t just seeing a squirrel get hit by a car, blowing it off 15 minutes later, then laugh at a funny joke."

"But existing in fact; lost in the two, most remote in the middle of the 60s, which I think existing at the moment had the coolest style."

"As for the historical events happening in 2003, I was not able to find any."

"TS Eliot wrote The Waste Land to show off his intelligence."

"The Waste Land is about a murderer named Stetson and how he should be afraid of god because karma will get him."

"Awareness of a realization of a teaching is the main purpose behind "The Waste Land". This might as well be said of almost all writings, that some sort of teaching is suppose to be ingrained into the brain."

why i drink

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