The Day Before The Day of the Locusts

Sep 10, 2011 09:37

Ten years ago, i was in Germany with family. Lucky enough to be surrounded by loved ones. It was a beautiful afternoon. We were in a vineyard overlooking the German Corner, where the Rhine and the Mosel rivers meet.

We had plane tickets back to Chicago for Sept 12th. We finally got home on the 18th (my Dad) and the 19th (Mom and i.)

i was working at an auto dealership at the time, doing touch-up paint and pinstriping, that kind of thing. when we flew to Germany i was in my work uniform, and had a metal-handled box cutter in my pocket. When we flew home, i still had it, with the words, "Who wields me, wields the world," written on it in sharpie pen. Sailed right through security with it. Hm.

The thing i remember most vividly is my Dad, sitting me down before he flew home and saying, "They tell you not to be a hero, kid. But fuck that. They're one person. If something happens, you be a hero."

maudlin past reflection

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