Sep 18, 2010 07:32
I apologize for how jumbled and possibly typo ridden this is going to be, but I just woke up from a strange dream and wanted to share before I forget all of the details. In the dream, a couple friends were in town visiting and I'm taking them on a tour of my home (can't tell if it's a house or apartment 'cause all I really see of it is my bedroom). My bedroom for some reason is decorated with Jeff Bagwell (major league baseball superstar from the 90s) posters and whatnot and Dan asks "so, when did you move in with Jeff Bagwell?" upon leaving my room. I reply by explaining that I've always been into collecting memorabilia from all kinds of things -- sports, movies, etc. We leave and I decide to drive Dan and Mike around on a tour of Portage, the smallish town I call home. I decide to take them "downtown", which isn't really a downtown at all in real life, consisting of just a shopping mall and a few restaurants, but is lit up a big city in the dream. We get bogged down in people exiting some hotel (there's no hotel here in portage), so we're just inching along until I come to a dead end. Embarrassed because I should have known my own town better, I back up and pull into a big elevator which is there for the sole purpose of turning cars around. My car goes in, the elevator door closes, and when it reopens, my car is facing the right way. Neat. I unlock the doors so Mike and Dan can get back in, and I hand Dan the Super NES (yeah, that came out of nowhere) to reconnect inside the car. Luckily, I notice before we leave that the SNES is missing its controllers and wires, so I go back into the elevator which hasn't closed yet, and find the controllers in a handy little controller holder in the floor. I get them and put the Wii controller back when I realize I grabbed one too many (proud of myself for not being a thief 'cause I could easily have just made off with it) and we're on our way.
The end.
I love the subconscience.