Jun 19, 2010 23:49
Despite having a lot to do this weekend, I had a couple hours earlier today to work on my room and I made a lot of progress. I can now walk right in without having to step over things and pivot around carefully. I'm liking the house so far, except Kevin doesn't like to use the air conditioning, so I'm sitting her practically dripping sweat as I type this. Charmed, I'm sure.
Anyway, today was good. Kevin was participated in a local 5K run this morning, so a few friends and I went out to cheer him on (the one time he passed us on the loop). Got the aforementioned room straightening done, two World Cup games and watched a couple movies. Mike and I watched another classic blacksploitation film, 1974's Three The Hard Way. It was seriously awesome and not just in the awesomely bad sense, although there's that, too (like the plot: Nazi types in America develop a chemical that kills only black people). It has some beautiful cinematography on top of that though. We followed that up with the 1998 American Godzilla, starring Matthew Broderick. (blacksploitation and Mattsploitation! -- *self high-five*) I know it's not a good Godzilla film, but it's fun once you accept it for what it is and I really enjoy it. Plus, Jean Reno is in it and anything he's in is cool by default. : ) And that's all I got. Time for bed. I leave you with this fantastic trailer.
three the hard way,