sucks being a perfectionist sometimes

Feb 21, 2010 19:42

So I'm still plugging away at adding my entire CD collection to my iTunes library. It's hard to say for sure how far I am and how far I have to go, but I'm thinking I've added about a third of my collection and it tells me I've got about 52 days of music on there so far. If I keep going at this pace, I might be done in about a month.

Anyway, I'm adding everything I have, regardless of whether I actually like certain albums or not, and a problem occurred a little while ago during the import of Bon Jovi's Cross Road. The disc isn't in great shape and, no matter how many times I tried, one song was not able to be successfully imported. The rest of the disc went alright, and it really bugged me not having the complete album on there, so I bought the track from the iTunes store to make it complete. The song? Fucking "Bed of Roses". The disc was given to me in the first place (my best friend goes through purging phases where he throws away anything he doesn't use anymore and he gives me his music since I'll throw a fit if he just pitches it) and I'm not likely to have any cravings to rock "Bed of Roses" anytime soon -- or ever -- but I couldn't be happy knowing that imperfection was there, so it had to be done. Don't get me wrong; I loved Bon Jovi as a kid and still enjoy hearing certain songs of theirs...but yeah. Anyhow, problem solved and I'm happy. Now there's just this issue of my computer having trouble reading one of my old CD's. It's not scratched or anything, it just doesn't seem to be compatible for some reason. : /

Well, I was going to talk about something else while I was at it, but I can't remember what it was, so whatever. I'll just leave you with this sweet live performance of an old song I've been obsessing over lately.

image Click to view

itunes, light years, bed of roses, music, live performance, the collection, bon jovie, 311, video

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