I'm Not Impressed

Dec 01, 2009 23:48

Bear with me for just a moment while I rant about something that has always bothered me. I've lost count of how many times I've heard someone site an actor or actress' great physical condition and how hard they work at it as a reason, or even the biggest reason, they admire them. I'm sure this is at least a little bitter and envious in nature, but it's always bugged me because there are regular broke-ass people like me who have been going to the gym and/or exercising regularly and staying fit for most of our lives.

We do so in the little time they have outside of our 40+ hour work week, and we have to pay to use the gym. Meanwhile, these celebrities are essentially getting paid millions of dollars to be in shape and be attractive because that's always been and always will be what sells the most tickets and gets the highest ratings. Seriously, if your incentive is several potentially multi million dollar paychecks and you had all the means in the world, don't you think you could muster up the self discipline necessary to whip yourself into shape?

So, I admire celebrities for doing whatever they have to do to get to where they are, and I even admire those who maintain a healthy lifestyle when it's not required of them. However, when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet and good physique, I'll always have more respect for Ordinary Man and Ordinary Woman who do it without the excessive means and monetary reward.

Anyway, it's approaching midnight, I work in the morning and I only had three hours of sleep last night, so bed is sounding fantastic. Thank you for enduring this rant and goodnight.

celebrities, fitness, exercise, hollywood, rant, life

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