My friend, Kelly, hosts movie nights every Thursday in October each year. A bunch of us get together, eat candy and munchies, have delicious fall friendly alcoholic heated spiced cider beverages and watch Halloween friendly movies. The week before last, we watched Army of Darkness and the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre (which I'd never seen before) and we watched Hocus Pocus and the more recent Red Riding Hood this past Thursday, both of which I hadn't seen. Then today, with Bad Movie Night™ crowd, I saw Event Horizon for my first time, followed by the epic from 1983, Sleepaway Camp and then The Fair Haired Child from the Masters of Horror collection. I'd like to go into more detail on all of these, but I don't have time and you're going to have to settle for the screenshots below displaying the incredible early '80s fashion prominent throughout Sleepaway Camp.
In apartment news, it sounds like the apartment they're giving me is going to be THE PERFECT ONE. More on this later. And now the screenshots I promised.