Billinguism is fun!

Jan 06, 2009 11:53

Christmas time was me getting moved about quite a bit. It started with My father and his SO Miche-san "kidnapping" me on the 15th. I spent the Holidays up until Christmas at their place in Grany. I ended up in the basement. I was mildly annoyed by this development. Y'see last time I was there Ch-kun (Miche-san's son) was living with his father, but now he is back. And this time despite my efforts I ended up spending most of my time in the basement because there was no real room for me to work on Alice upstairs, and even if there was, there was no Internet connection. I still managed to spend enough time offline that I completed a commissioned story (which I'll post as a private post if people are interested, it's a Pokemon/Digimon crossover, with, fortunately, little actual Pokemon). We opened Christmas presents at midnight on the 24th, despite planning being that we'd do so only much latter in the morning. This was because Miche-san had had a nightmare and gotten up shortly before and decided since we were all up wemight as well do something constructive out of it XD Walked away with Death Note vol. 12 (gotta find vol. 11 at some point not ^__^;;), the Dark Knight (as well as a fairly bad tv copy of Batman Begins). Also got a new pair of slippers from my godparents. Very welcome as my old ones, bought when I came to Montreal, were starting to come apart and would constantly slip off, unlike the new, loaferlike ones.

On the 26th we were to drive up to Sorel-Tracy and spend the evening with N-san's (My sis' boyfriend) family. A good time was had by all and I played a fair lot of Drawn to Life, which my sis gave me. I also got three more Maud Graham novels (I LOVE Chrystine Brouillet) and a set of neat lacquered wooden squares to nail to the walls as shelfspace. I was to spend the rest of the holidays in Quebec City and came back last Friday.

I'm always weary when a lot of traveling is involved. I always forget all kind of stuff. Last September I forot soap at my sis, in early December, I forgot a box of cookies, and this time, I forgot the DS recharging plug at N-san's parents' and an Archambault gift card (Stepfather's gift) at my sis'. Ironically, one of the Archambault I know of in Montreal (the one in Complexe les Ailes) has abruptly shut down.

yesterday I finally got around to bringing Alice to my laptop specialist ( for reference...). I'm supposed to get a call later this week regarding what is/can be done and how much it's gonna cost me. I'm gonna have to start the session (tomorrow, for reference) without it, hence note to self: check out my schedule before I leave this internet café.

J'ai en main un livre sur les catastrophes naturelles (100 catastrophes naturelles, Gründ, 2007, 978-2-7000-1794-6, originellement publié par Rebo sous le titre 100 natural disasters, 978-90-366-1892-2). Et ce qu'on y trouve sur la Tempête de verglas de 1998 est pour le moins... surprenant. Vous saviez, vous, que ce sont alors "1,50 m de grêlons" qui se sont abattus sur le Canada? Je ne savais même pas qu'on pouvais avoir de la grêle l'hiver! Impressionnant, c'est-ce pas? En outre, une telle quantité de grêle serait un record de tout les temps, il n'y a pas de doute.

Étrangement, on parle bel et bien dans la même page de "routes verglacées"...


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