(no subject)

Jul 24, 2007 10:45

Piqué chez (nicked from) drakys

1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

1. Laissez-moi un commentaire en me disant un truc quelconque, genre, vos paroles préférées dans la chanson que vous écoutez tout le temps ces temps-ci. Ou votre type de sandwich préféré. Un truc aléatoire. Ce qui vous plait.
2. Je répondrai en vous posant cinq questions pour avoir une chance de vous connaître mieux.
3. Vous allez poster sur votre LJ vos réponses aux questions.
4. Vous devrez inclure cette explication et offrir de poser des questions aux autres.
5. Vous donnerez cinq questions aux gens qui commenteront pour avoir des questions.

Questions de drakys

1) Tes trois cartes préférées dans Yu-Gi-Oh! (un monstre, un piège et une de magie)? (Et pourquoi, si tu as envie de développer...)

Faut vraiment que ce soit comme ça? J'ai pas beaucoup de fétiches dans les magies/pièges... Et en plus ça fait genre... 2 ans? que je joue à pe près pas. En fait, je sais même pas ce que j'ai foutu avec mon deck ni mes cartes rares... Mes trois monstres préférés en tout cas, ce sont Milus Radiant, Dream Clown et Two-Headed Cerberus

2) Si on te donnait la possibilité d'écrire la suite d'une série ou de récrire un tome/complètement la BD de ton choix, à quelle série est-ce que tu voudrais absolument t'attaquer?

GASTON LAGAFFE! Spécifiquement les premiers volumes, je crois.

3) Si tu devais sacrifier un des cinq sens, ce serait lequel?

Le toucher. Brrrrr. Ça ferait plaisir à tout les freaks qui ont besoin de me hug-er constamment.

4) Disons qu'on te donne cinq mille dollars (canadiens, s'il faut préciser), que tu as une seule journée pour le dépenser et que ce qui te restes, tu devras le rendre. Qu'est-ce que tu achèterais?

Formulons-le comme ceci: faudra pas que j'oublie de prévoir des étagères!

5) Mets ensemble tout ce que tu aimes de bouquins, de BD et de manga... Quel est ton top 3 (du moment ou de tous les temps, comme tu le sens)?

Sans ordre précis:
-Gaston Lagaffe
-Didier Crisse
-Les Neuf Vies d'Edward

box_of_doom's questions

1) What is the most annoying thing for you about the English language?
Grammar nazis and the sheer amount of idiocy being written in it.

2) If you could lose any of your five senses, which one would be be and why?
Already asked. See above. Question #3. :p

3) How did you get into the digimon fandom?
It's hard to remember, to be honest. I came across the fact they aired the show just before I would leave in the morning when I was in secondary school, so i took to waching it, and I was just drawn in.

4) Do you miss the OT5 stuffs?
You have no idea how much Y___Y

5) Which fictional character would you m[o]st like to be and why?
I think I'd like to be Neville Longbottom (HP). We have similar interests, and I really wish I could go through the growth he went as the books progressed.

Mippa's questions

1. What is a stereotype about French people that you would like to clear up/disprove? My being from Texas you know there are lots of them...
I wouldn't know. I'm not French ^_^
I guess that would be the idea that English is easy to learn, while French is hard. I call bullshit. No language is truly "easy" tolearn for everyone. There's just too many variables!

2. What is a stereotype about Japan that you are curious about?
Is it true that the Japanese's obsession about weigth is far creepier than North American's?

3. I know you are a stickler for details--is there anything in life that you are just lazy about?
Red tape and all matters of administrative material. I will do everything, everything to avoid filing forms and clearing up old stuff.

4. Who is your favorite musician?
Hum... I think I'd have to say Francis Cabrel (French singer-songwriter)

5. What is the best fanfiction--any fandom--you have ever read?
I think I'll have to go for something I read years ago. The Harry Potter trilogy Written by Barb of novel-length fanfictions done while we were waiting for Order of the Phoenix. Namely Harry Potter and the Psychic Serpent, Harry Potter and the Time of Good Intentions, and Harry Potter and the Triangle Prophecy. It had interesting characters, good writing, and plenty, plenty of amazingly inventive ideas.

thandi's questions

1) One thing you wish to improve about yourself
Surviving social gatherings. That would be nice.

2) Name one thing that has made you cry
Seeing the second Video of The Fray's "How to Save a Life".

3) What fashion statement should die a painful death?
You expect me to know something about fashion? That's a new one!

4) Which disability would you most like to experience for a day and why?
Amnesia, or Alzheimer. Something that frees the necessities of memory, so to say.

5) What's your favorite food that is totally Canadian/Quebecois?
I'm really debating between whippets and pâté chinois right now...
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